pátek 8. ledna


Co je nového v České republice:

  • Komentovaný přehled zpráv z ČR Odkazy:
  • Přehled nejzajímavějších článků z poslední doby Pražské jaro 1968 a české postoje obecněji:
  • "Stydíme se ne za Pražské jaro, ale za pozdější kapitulaci." (rozhovor s Petrem Pithartem pro deník Gazeta Wyborcza, Aleksander Kaczorowski)
  • "Nesnáším (hokejovou) euforii. Končí vždycky, když začne o něco jít." (rozhovor s Pavlem Kohoutem pro deník Gazeta Wyborcza, Aleksander Kaczorowski) Novoroční projev českého prezidenta:
  • Václav Havel aneb Podzim patriarchy (Ivan Vágner)
  • Poznámka ke článku Novoroční kopání do presidenta aneb Zbabělci českého tisku (Jiří Jírovec) Názor:
  • O netransparentnosti místní politiky (Vít Novotný) Signatářům petice proti platnosti tzv. protidrogového zákona:
  • Pláčete nejen na nesprávném hrobě, ale i špatně (Jaroslav Štemberk) Ještě jednou k Pinochetovi:
  • Český rozhlas selhal (Jaroslav Štemberk, plus poznámka JČ) Cestování a imigrace:
  • Přísné kontroly na česko-německé hranici? (Matthas Roeser) Dvojí ceny:
  • V Americe běžné, ale když dva dělají totéž, není to totéž (Vratislav Kuška)
  • K poznámce JČ ke dvojím cenám (Petr Paleta)
  • Dvojí ceny jsou oprávněné (Pavel Holba) Oznámení:
  • Výzva pro příspěvky na konferenci o Leoši Janáčkovi na London University (Geoffrey Chew)

    Ikona pro Vaši stránku...

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  • Announcement of Conference on Leoš Janáček, October 1999

    Geoffrey Chew

    Dear Dr. Culik,

    I am taking the liberty of forwarding this call for papers to you in the hope that it may be of interest: if you have any queries about it, I shall do my best to answer them.

    Geoffrey Chew
    Department of Music
    Centre for the Study of Central Europe
    Royal Holloway College
    School of Slavonic and East European Studies
    University of London


    A Tale of Three Cities:

    Janacek's Brno Between Vienna and Prague

    Friday 22 October 1999 - Sunday 24 October 1999

    Senate House, London WC1

    The current reputation of Leos Janacek (1854-1928) as the greatest of twentieth-century Czech composers was slow in arriving: for the first half of this century, the canonic succession was assumed to have been inherited from Smetana and Dvorak by Vitezslav Novak, J. B. Foerster and others. The change in his fortunes represents a change in the reception of his particular brand of regionalism: his self-consciousness in belonging to Moravia, and to its capital city, Brno, which are places that have often seemed to provide a guarantee of Czech cultural authenticity.

    Yet, even after the pioneering work of John Tyrrell among others, the cultural self-consciousness of the Moravians is still too little understood. Using Janacek as a focus, this interdisciplinary conference will take the opportunity to reassess the self-image of Brno and of Moravia in the period roughly between 1880 and 1930, within the cultural contexts of Vienna and Prague, also taking into account wider international contexts and influences from West and East. It is hoped that papers will deal with the subject from a variety of disciplinary viewpoints: literature, political history, music, art history, architecture, among others; and it is expected that a published volume of essays will be produced as longer versions of some of the papers given at the conference. The conference hopes to consider, among others, the following areas of enquiry:

  • The aesthetics of the period in Moravia, Bohemia, Austria
  • The Moravian school of criticism
  • Questions of patronage, politics, ideology, sociology
  • Mass political parties and art in the period
  • The Moravian Diet
  • The Moravian Ausgleich
  • Moravian literature of the period
    • in comparison with other Czech and Austrian literature
    • n relation to Naturalism, Symbolism, Decadence, Expressionism, etc.
    • in the wider context of Western European or Russian influence
    • local variants of Naturalism and Decadence
  • Janacek himself
    • in comparison to other contemporary Czech or Austrian composers (Novak, Suk, Foerster, Schoenberg, Zemlinsky, Schreker, etc)
    • the succession (his pupils: Haas, Kapralova, etc)
    • The literariness and artistic taste of Janacek and of other contemporaneous composers
    • Catholicism and, or versus, Protestantism
    • Moravian art and architecture of the period
      • in comparison with other Czech and Austrian art and architecture
      • the "Brno school
    Papers should be 20 minutes long; please send abstracts (250 words) of proposals by 15 February 1999 (including details of audio-visual requirements) to:

    Dr Geoffrey Chew
    Tel: +44-1784-443537
    Department of Music
    Fax: +44-1784-439441 Royal Holloway College
    Email: chew@sun.rhbnc.ac.uk
    (University of London)
    Egham Hill
    Egham, Surrey TW20 0EX

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